Sexodissident Alliances of Sex Works
2024-in progress
In this multiproject, we make a research about the sociopolitical alliances of the trans collective with sex work. The objective is to make a dignified historical recovery, while positioning ourselves in the present and developing new collective imaginaries of empowerment and resistance.
Cartography of Sex Works in Barcelona (2024),
belonging to the project Sexodissident Alliances of Sex Works (2024-in progress).
Aluminum, digital illustration.
Project developed in the artistic residence Nosymmetries project, in collaboration with Idensitat and La Capella Art Centre (Barcelona), in relation to Care Ecologies 2023-2025.
Starting from this premise, we made Cartography of Sex Works in Barcelona, which reflects on belonging to the spaces of the trans community that works as sexual workers in this city. We collected information in different archives, documentation centers and exhibitions in Barcelona, discovering different places where these unions took place. This piece is presented as a cartographic archive that mutates and takes the form of spaces that are as real as they are fictitious, doing a reading of the archive brought to the present.
Letter to Kathy (2024),
belonging to the project Sexodissident Alliances of Sex Works (2024-in progress).
Edible paper and edible ink marker, letter used in the video-performance.
Letter to Kathy is produced as a result of the previous research, as field work and through the writings that were found in the archives researched for this project. In some texts, books and exhibitions, some notes and images appeared about Kathy, a trans person who moved from Córdoba to Barcelona, where she stayed in the Dome of Venus, a place where, in 1979, Pilar Aymerich photographed her.
Letter to Kathy (2024),
belonging to the project Sexodissident Alliances of Sex Works (2024-in progress).
Due to the sensationalist and dehumanizing way media speak about her, we decided to write a letter and ingest it in order to turn her own body into an archive that would hold her in a dignified way, also calling into question the way in which the story is told. and the subjects who have the privilege of doing it in institutional spaces.