Non-binary Notes about Female Masculinity


In the first publication of this fanzine archive, a series of interviews are collected about the experiences of AMAN (Assigned Women at Birth) people with appearances or attitudes associated with masculinity.

These interviews provide different points of view, taking into account the approach and porosity of female masculinities with trans and non-binary identities. For this reason, we talk about the different environments in which each person interacts, such as the world of sports, music, the street, academia, art or drag.

We make an approach to the different social and political difficulties that may appear when embodying masculinity in a body for which it was not assigned. The interviews appear as notes, like a field notebook that invite to reflect and analyze the concepts and experiences in search of a way of relating based on understanding and diversity. With these notes, a community is created, not from the fact of having been assigned women at birth, but from the possibility of having transgressed that imposition.

“How would you define female masculinity?” It’s an example of some questions that create an intersection in which theory and experience dialogue about queer problems.

Non-binary Notes about Female Masculinity (2021)

belonging to the fanzine archive Queer Notes

(2021-in progress).

Fanzine, black and white, A4.

62 pages.