

Transgression, 2021.

Unpublished piece.

Bronze, lost wax melting.

Transgression is an introspection of the subject and its corporality from the intimacy of rethinking the own identity.

From a trans AMAN (assigned female at birth) perspective, it reflects on the complex, and sometimes conflictive, relationship that is created with the body in general and with the breast in particular. Starting from this embodied experience, identity takes on a corporality that we present to society.

The binary perspective of gender and the dichotomy of man-masculinity and woman-femininity create very strong boundaries to remain. When bodies do not live under these norms, they are seen as failures or abject, and this is the reason why sometimes this translates into the drive to torture, crush, or tear off the chest.

Transgression, 2021.

Unpublished piece.

Brass, experimental melting by dripping technique.

The hands compress the chest, carrying out an action that deforms and transforms it, changing its meaning. However, there is also an affective perspective that opposes to pulling up it, freezing in the action. These two ways of being, inhabiting and incarnating the body coexist.